Back to the 50's.
Another amazing time with my dear friend
Thank you for being so kind and patient as always.
🌺 Credits 🌺
- on me (left) -
miss chelsea. Nora top (@Anthem)
Michan - Donna earrings (@Anthem)
amara beauty - Keira EvoX skin (@Access)
Dotty’s Secret - Beauty Marks (@Anthem)
Polar Bunny - Marilyn Lipstick (@Anthem)
pr!tty - Falsies Variety eyelashes set (@Anthem)
WarPaint - PeggySue Liner - nude (@Anthem)
cheezu - daily thin rings (group gift)
- on Meriluu (right) -
[Aleutia] Lana Bodysuit & Capri
Pants (@Anthem)
WINGS-ER0326-HAIR (@Anthem)
leLAPEAU - Evo X - Lum Skin (@Skin Fair
LaGyo_CherryLovefor Cupid Fault jewels
& headband
- décor -
andika {I LOVE MilkShake}Cholate
milk/Dispenser 1 (@Anthem)
andika {I LOVE MilkShake}Strawberry
milk/Dispenser (@Anthem)
Ariskea[Earthing] Pillow
Ariskea[Robby] Tulips in pot
[Cinoe] In the corner of the party -
Cream sundae (@Anthem)
[Cinoe] In the corner of the party -
Cupcake on stepladder (@Anthem)
FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Cotton Cloud Cafe (@C88)
FOXCITY. Sweet Tooth Bento Pose (@C88)
Konoha - Natoma's Boxwood
(Luc.) 1950s Diner Burger [Decor,
Server] (@Anthem)
..::THOR::.. Andy's Diner Ashtray -
BONUS (@Anthem)
..::THOR::.. Andy's Diner Burger Menu (@Anthem)