AnthemAriskeaBeautyDad Virtual LivingEventFashionGlam AffairHome and GardenkotteMichanpola<3bunnypr!ttyRezz RoomStealthicTres BlahWhat Next
Fruit picking day.
🍒 Credits 🍒
- on me -
Stealthic - Clarity hair
kotte - cherry bandana, cherry basket,
cherry, bella heels (Farmers Market)
Glam Affair - Cassia EvoX skin, blush,
lips gloss
MICHAN - Melodie Lashes [Lel EVOx] (@Anthem)
polar<3bunny - lola lipgloss. LeL Evo
/ Evox (@Anthem)
pr!tty - Crybaby makeup set - EvoX Undereye
HL, Overeye HL, Moles and freckles (@Anthem)
- decors -
Ariskea[Ichigo] Strawberry Purse (@Collabor88)
Ariskea[ichigo] Strawberry terra cotta (@Collabor88)
Ariskea[Apple Crisp] Basket Apple
Ariskea[Apple Crisp] Fresh Daily Apples
Ariskea[Apple Crisp] Small ladder
Ariskea[Viti]Watering Can Flower[2]
kotte - cherry basket (rez) (Farmers
[Rezz Room] Red Panda Animesh
(Companion) (@Kustom9)
[Rezz Room] Red Panda Small Animesh
(Companion) (@Kustom9)
{what next} Summer Garden Planter